GIVE TO GOD's work at centerpoint
God is a generous God. God is seeking generous followers who mirror His generosity to the world. Through generosity, God frees us from slavery to selfishness and materialism and teaches us true joy. We believe these things, and we seek to preach and practice generosity as individuals and as a church.
We won't ever try to emotionally manipulate you or twist your arm into giving. If you've joined us on Sunday, you might have noticed that we don't even pass a collection plate or take up an offering. We trust God to provide for the needs of the church and its ministries and we trust the Holy Spirit to move on the hearts of His people to give cheerfully and without coercion. If you would like to, there are several ways you can give. All donations to CenterPoint are tax deductible, and will be used to preach the gospel, help the poor, and serve the community.
ways you can donate:
If you are at CenterPoint, simply drop your donation in one of the wooden boxes at the back of the sanctuary
You can mail a check to:
CenterPoint Community Church
5720 Oak Hill Rd.
Evansville, IN 47711